Monday, 4 November 2013

Ninjutsu Part 1

You probably clicked on the post because you're thinking the word "ninja." Well I will be explaining about Ninjutsu, the art of stealth. Ninjutsu was developed by groups of people from the Iga province and Kōta, Shiga of Japan. During the course of history the shinobi (ninja) have been sighted as assassins, scouts, and spies. They were mostly known for the use of stealth and deception. Ninjutsu included of obtaining information, and the techniques of going in without detection, escapism, and misdirection. It also involves training including free running, disguise, escape, concealment, archery, and medicine.

There are eighteen skills that shows the same way of a samurai and ninja, the other techniques are used differently by those two groups.

1. Seishinteki kyōyō — spiritual refinement
2. Taijutsu — unarmed combat
3. Kenjutsu — sword techniques
4. Bōjutsu — stick and staff skills
5. Sōjutsu — spear skills
6. Naginatajutsu — angina tea skills
7. Kusarigamajutsu — kusarigama skills
8. Shurikenjutsu — throwing weapons techniques
9. Kayakujutsu — pyrotechnics
10. Hensōjutsu — disguise and impersonation
11. Shinobi-iri — stealth and entering methods
12. Bajutsu — horsemanship
13. Sui-ren — water training
14. Bōryaku — tactics
15. Chōhō — espionage
16. Intonjutsu — escaping and concealment
17. Tenmon — meteorology
18. Chi-mom — geography

I will explain the other ones on the next post. To be continued...

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